Thursday, May 22, 2008

What's going to happen to all the kosher meat?

So the Feds cracked down on a kosher meat packing plant in Iowa and arrested a boat load of illegals. Wow, way to go. Another glorious victory on the War on Terrorism.

Who exactly gets hurt here? A successful small business in a nice little town might go under - where will replacement workers come from? Who really gets hurt here? What's the full story. Were the illegals paying taxes? Were they obeying the law, except maybe being here illegally.

I dunno, but I'm thinking it might be better to secure our borders now and make the illegals, well legal. How are 12 million people supposed to be rounded up and sent packing home? How much is that going to cost. I think it's better to make them legal, make 'em 'Mericans, and get them paying taxes. Why shouldn't they be as miserable as the rest of us anyway?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hi there!

Welcome to my very own personal blog. I have a lot to say about everything and this might be a perfect venue for me to "talk," offer an opinion, and sometimes just rant.

So, here goes . . .something?